Meanwhile the Ozzies are still holding out, but they must buckle tomorrow, unless it rains. And I must say I was sorry Tom Watson lost out on the last green in the golf. Wow, I really thought he'd made it. Well, at least he showed that we're never too old, even when you're virtually eligible for a bus pass. And Stewart Cinq did play well in the play-off.
Oh yes, on the eve of the moon landing anniversary, some more evidence of dodgy dealing in a comment or two back: 'Well interestingly enough, I heard something on the radio that might support Len's theory. Happens the original video of moon landing has been erased...
Wonder what Len would think of that?!' Very interesting, Rachel. Fascinating reading. So all we have is copies, not the original - which is just like ancient manuscripts. But there probably was an original.
Wonderful pics of the "teacup" pooch!!