Sunday 27 July 2008

Sox from the Lambeth Conference

I was given a pair of socks yesterday. They'd been bought in 'The Market Place' at the Lambeth Conference - no less. Clemency, a friend of ours, had spent a week in Kent just praying for the bishops meeting in Canterbury. I guess everyone, including the bishops, reckon they need a lot of it. Anyway she'd been in to the conference one day and seen these socks and thought of me. She's been proof-reading my book, and came on these 'holy socks' ( on a stall. On the outside they said, 'And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.' 'The Donkey'. When I opened them, I read 'From a humble donkey' and saw the socks which had a donkey motif on the ankle! Bishops like wearing purple socks. I shall enjoy wearing donkey socks. Thanks, Clemency.

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